Eligibility Criteria

Eligibility criteria for preschool to Grade 12 students enrolled in Francophone schools is determined by the Alberta Education Act and Section 23 of the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms.

The Conseil scolaire du Nord Ouest respects these criteria when considering the enrolment of students from preschool to Grade 12.

Eligibility (Section 23 Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms)

A student is eligible to enrol in a francophone school if at least one of the following criteria is met. A student:

  1. Whose parent’s first language learned and still understood is French;
  2. Whose parent’s primary or secondary education was in a French First Language school in Canada;
  3. Whose sibling has received or is receiving primary or secondary instruction in French First Language school in Canada.

Exceptional Circumstances (in accordance with CSNO policy) – Meeting one of these conditions is a first step in applying for eligibility under the conditions of the Exceptional Circumstances Policy of the CSNO.

A student may be eligible for enrolment if one of the following criteria is met:

  • A parent or grandparent is of French heritage and would like their child/grandchild to reintegrate French culture and identity into their lives.
  • A parent would like his/her child to maintain their French language, culture, identity. (i.e. a permanent resident or immigrant to Canada.)
  • A student who had been enrolled previously in an Immersion Program and whereas a French Immersion program is not available in the community where a francophone school under the jurisdiction of the Conseil scolaire du Nord-Ouest No 1 is located.