Francophone Daycare
The CNSO offers French-language daycare services at:
- École Nouvelle Frontière in Grande Prairie:
- Les petits boucs daycare (ages 3 to 5) – To learn more about this program, click here or call 780-814-7945.
- École des Quatre-Vents in Peace River:
- Les petits cœurs daycare (ages 3 to 5) – To learn more about this program, click here or call 780-624-3015.
Our daycare :
- 7:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m., Monday to Friday (except holidays)
- 12 months a year (July and August registration permitting)
- Daycare fees are $950 per month. However, the service is available to parents for $500 per month, thanks to the Canada-Alberta Agreement on Early Learning and Child Care.
- Specialized services for children with varied needs (September to June).
- Qualified staff (Alberta Child Care Certification).
- Access to outdoor activities, gymnasium and francophone cultural/community activities.
- Support for families in their cultural, identity and linguistic growth.
Who can attend Francophone preschool classes?
Francophone Preschool
A preschool program is offered in all three of the schools. Each school offers a different program delivery modality.
Who can attend Francophone preschool classes?
Eligibility Criteria
Your child may enrol in the preschool program if…
- French is the first language of one of the parents or one of the grandparents;
- You or one of your children have received primary school instruction in French;
Exceptional Circumstances: Please contact the School Board at 780-624-8855 to inquire about your child’s eligibility.
Programs and cost:
The cost for one child enrolled in the Preschool for the year (9 monts) is:
Prématernelle Les petits soleils
École Nouvelle Frontière, Grande Prairie
- 5 half-days per week
- $1,400 per year (9 months) but the service is available to parents for $650 per year thanks to the Canada-Alberta Agreement on Early Learning and Child Care.
Prématernelle Les petits cœurs
École des Quatre-Vents, Peace River
- 5 half-days per week
- $1,400 per year (9 months) but the service is available to parents for $650 per year thanks to the Canada-Alberta Agreement on Early Learning and Child Care.
Prématernelle Les petits bourdons
École Héritage, Falher
- 4 half-days per week
- $ 1,120 per year
The francophone preschool educational program aims to provide learning through play which allows the child to:
- participate in a preschool education program in French;
- develop enhanced self-awareness and become more effective in satisfying his/her needs;
- increase interpersonal/social skills through play;
- develop his or her French language abilities ;
- develop self-esteem;
- be welcomed, with his or her family, in the francophone;
- be prepared for admission to the Francophone Kindergarten Program.
Other services available:
Francisation: a specifically tailored approach for children requiring support with the French language.
Early detection: Possibility of assessing the developmental level of your child and receiving specialised services..
Transportation: Upon request, your child may access school bus transportation for travel to preschool in the morning, if they are 3 years and 8 months old on September 1st. Arrangements must be made for pickup after preschool.
For more information :
Please contact the school board at 780-624-8855 or the schools.